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Want to know me further? Head to the about page, you’ll also find my CV there.

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For my personal projects, keep reading!

My favourite projects



A custom-made, Sony PlayStation 1 Emulator written in C.
Featuring a rich OpenGL 3.3+ and Vulkan 1.0+ Hardware Renderer.



Learning from my past experience, a re-take on emulating a more complex machine, the Sony PlayStation 2.
A more mature project, strives for perfection, coded in C++.



A Proof-of-Concept Dynamic Recompiler that targets the GameBoy's 8-bit Z80-compatible Sharp LR35902 CPU.
Made after studying Dynamic Recompilers (JITs) for well over a year, contains a Z80-to-x86_64 translation unit, opcode dispatching, stack tracking, block housekeeping and prologue/epilogue emitting for a seamless integration with the major OSs available nowadays.



One of my most beloved projects, a Sega Dreamcast emulator.
A big effort, reverse engineering-wise, also coded in C++.



My first big emulation project, a Nintendo GameBoy Emulator PoC.
Made on my first year of university.
Runs the entire Bootrom and leverages SDL to blit to the framebuffer.



An custom-written bootloader targetting x86 computers (Legacy, MBR or any CSM-compatible PC).
Bootstraps from either EXT2 or FAT16 over to a custom little toy kernel that acts as a second-stage loader.


300 hours Full-stack Bootcamp Journey

The bootcamp that helped me land a job whilst studying.
From Java, to TypeScript; Spring, to MySQL...
Everything it takes to become a Full-stack developer

This Website's Repo

Contains the in's-and-out's of what you're looking at right now!

A simple blog for everything me